Wednesday, November 3, 2010

At the Beginning!

Today, after many weeks of prep and research, I hit the send button, and in doing so, distributed the call for the project to a wide variety of interested parties - knitters, artists and supporters. I immediately got a number of responses. I'm excited to see how this project progresses - what each participant will learn about themselves and another part of their community, one that may be new to them. I know it was an experience for me on my first visit, and I can't wait to hear from each and everyone who makes this visit.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ann. Janet Traylor passed on the info about 13 Fridays. How Fabulous! My daughter and I like to crochet. She is as busy with dance as can be this month -- but I would like to come at least a couple Fridays. Will you be there every Friday until January 28th -- and what time are you there? (is it the same time every Friday?)

    Our best to you. Valerie (Richardson)
